Monday, July 25, 2011

#8: Transitional Rye Hearth Meteil

With this loaf and the next, we seem to be working our way through rye breads, slowly increasing the percentage of rye. And thus far, everything has gone fine.

As can be seen, I'm playing with flour and slash patterns. This one worked fairly well. The spiral was made with a series of short slashes. With rye breads, I sometimes have problems with the oven spring not fully filling the slashes. This time the spring was okay, but perhaps on the edge of what is acceptable.

I've been using medium rye flour from King Arthur's on these last few loaves (and the next). These have all be pleasant loaves, but none have had a particularly strong rye taste. For this loaf, I used the optional molasses and the lemon zest. There was a strong lemon aroma from the oven, but this did not carry over to the loaf.

For me, this was another good, solid competent recipe, but I was not blown away by the results.

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